Bankruptcy Lawyers
South Carolina



What to Do if You're Being Sued by a Debt Collector

It's the letter no one wants to get: a debt collection notice. You've tried to keep up with your payments, but now one of your loans is delinquent and your creditor or a debt collector is taking legal action. What can you do? First, don't panic. You have a little time, and you have legal...

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Top Reasons People File for Bankruptcy

One of the most persistent myths about bankruptcy is the idea that people who file for bankruptcy are simply lazy or didn't manage their money well. The reality is that most bankruptcies in the United States are caused by circumstances beyond the debtor's control. Medical expenses, loss of income, and divorce top the list If...

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Is Inflation Forcing You Into Bankruptcy?

Increased cost of living can make it impossible to make ends meet. We've all seen the headlines about inflation and felt the pain at the pump, the grocery store, and so on. Prices for a wide variety of goods and services have increased, and salaries haven't kept up with those increased costs. For hardworking people...

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Can Bankruptcy Improve Your Health?

A financial reset can affect your entire life If you're dealing with overwhelming debt, then you almost certainly know that it's not just a financial problem. Having debt hanging over your head can affect every aspect of your life. One recent poll found that a whopping 73% of Americans rank finances as a cause of...

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Is it Better to File Bankruptcy Before or After Divorce?

The short answer: "It depends." Debt can take over every aspect of your life. So can the end of your marriage. Dealing with divorce and bankruptcy together is an incredibly difficult process, and it's natural to feel lost, confused, and overwhelmed. The first thing to understand is that you are not alone. Financial issues are one...

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Can I Lose My Retirement Accounts in Bankruptcy?

You may have worked hard for years or decades to pay into your 401(k), IRA, or other retirement accounts. What will happen to those accounts if you file for bankruptcy? Fortunately, for most debtors, the answer is "nothing." While it varies depending on the type of retirement account and the surrounding circumstances, retirement assets are...

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Breaking Down the Top Bankruptcy Myths

Make sure you understand your right to a financial reset. For many Americans who struggle with debt, bankruptcy is the way out. Unfortunately, a lot of people who could benefit from bankruptcy may be held back by certain myths and misconceptions about the process. Our bankruptcy attorneys have extensive experience guiding South Carolina debtors through...

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What to Expect in a 341 Meeting

We can guide you through the bankruptcy process One mandatory part of the process of filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy is attending a "meeting of creditors," usually 4-6 weeks after you file. This step is required by section 341 of the Bankruptcy Code, so it's commonly called a 341 meeting in the...

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Can Bankruptcy Help Me Get My Car Back After Repossession?

Act fast to protect your independence during collection actions One of the most immediate questions we hear from South Carolina debtors is, "can I get my car back?" Your car isn't just a car; it may be essential to your ability to do your job and meet other personal and professional responsibilities. How will you...

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2010 Gadsden Street
Columbia, SC 29201

Phone (803) 799-1700
Fax (803) 728-6718

331 E. Main St, Suite 257
Rock Hill, SC 29730

Phone (803) 909-9377
Fax (803) 728-6718