Bankruptcy Lawyers
South Carolina



“Zombie Debt” and Its Consequences in South Carolina

Sometimes, old debts can simply seem to fade away. Perhaps they’ve been written off by the creditor as impossible to collect, or perhaps they are simply forgotten. However, unscrupulous debt collectors can sometimes bring those old debts “back from the dead.” It’s called zombie debt, and it can make a significant difference in your quality...

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New Rules Make It Easier To Discharge Student Loans in Bankruptcy

Student loan debt in the United States totals $1.727 trillion, marking the first-ever annual decline in 2023. As of March 3, 2024, the outstanding federal loan balance stands at $1.602 trillion, accounting for 92.8% of all student loan debt, with 43.2 million borrowers holding federal student loans. The average federal student loan balance is $37,088,...

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Analyzing Credit Card Usage Patterns and Trends

When to file for bankruptcy for credit card debt The soaring average credit card debt in the U.S. - hitting between $6,360 and $11,000 per borrower in 2023 - indicates the financial strain affecting countless individuals. However, breaking free from the cycle of credit card debt is often a monumental task. For many, the solution...

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American Debt Soars to $17.5 Trillion

Is bankruptcy the right option for you? American debt is skyrocketing to record highs, with $17.5 trillion in personal debt as of the last quarter of 2023. The average amount owed nationwide is more than $100,000 per household. Many households are swimming in debt, but a lifeline is available. In South Carolina, declaring bankruptcy can...

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Will Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Affect My Tax Refund?

If you're considering bankruptcy during tax season, here's what you need to know. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is also called "liquidation bankruptcy" because, at least in theory, your assets can be liquidated (sold) and used to repay your creditors before the rest of your debt is discharged (eliminated). During tax season, one asset you might be...

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What Happens if You Miss a Payment in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

Talk to an attorney right away to protect your financial future. For individuals with overwhelming debt and significant income or assets, Chapter 13 bankruptcy can provide a path to a financial reset. Chapter 13 is also called "reorganization bankruptcy" because rather than discharging your debts immediately, it reorganizes your debts into a repayment plan with...

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Is Student Loan Debt Being Forgiven in Bankruptcies?

The burden of student loan debt has become an all-too-familiar struggle for countless individuals pursuing higher education. While loans can be a valuable tool for financing education, they often lead to years, if not decades, of financial strain for borrowers. Student loan debt in America has recently reached about $1.75 trillion. That's about $28,950 per...

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How an Attorney can Help with Small Business Liquidation

We're proud to help business owners deal with challenging transitions. Most small business owners start out with big dreams, but often, those dreams don't work out. According to Bureau of Labor Statistics data, 25% of small businesses fail during the first year, 45% during the first two years, and 65% during the first 10 years;...

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2010 Gadsden Street
Columbia, SC 29201

Phone (803) 799-1700
Fax (803) 728-6718

331 E. Main St, Suite 257
Rock Hill, SC 29730

Phone (803) 909-9377
Fax (803) 728-6718