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South Carolina


Last Will and Testament

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Estate law can include many different legal issues. But when it comes to estate planning, perhaps the most important legal document many people create is their last will and testament. This is the legally binding document that clearly spells out their wishes after their death.

Creating a last will and testament can be a very complicated process. Along with designating exactly who should receive your most prized possessions, a will can contain instructions concerning your burial and other vital matters.

In South Carolina, many people rely on the legal expertise of the estate planning attorneys at Benjamin R. Matthews and Associates, LLC. We know how the state's legal system works and what needs to be done to create a legally binding last will and testament.

Common legal issues

Many different legal issues often come up concerning someone's last will and testament. These include:

  • Contested wills.
  • Challenges to the will after someone's death.
  • Designating an executor for the will.
  • Someone declaring the will invalid.
  • Fraudulent wills.
  • Making sure the will is properly witnessed.
  • Making sure the will is properly filed with the appropriate court.
  • Multiple wills.

Do your best to make sure your heirs do not have to deal with someone contesting your will. Contact our law firm and learn more about how we can help you craft an ironclad will designed to withstand even the strongest legal challenges.

Why you need a lawyer

You work hard to build a legacy for your family. Make sure your wishes are properly carried out in the future. Have an attorney at our law firm carefully craft your last will and testament. We can explain all the legal issues that might arise in the future and the best way to address them.

We can also assist you if you're dealing with a challenge to a last will and testament. We have years of courtroom experience and we can help you mount a strong legal challenge - no matter how complicated your legal issues might seem.

It's also important to remember that you often only have a limited amount of time to legally challenge someone's will in South Carolina. Make sure you don't miss any important deadlines. Talk to us and find out how we can help you.

2010 Gadsden Street
Columbia, SC 29201

Phone (803) 799-1700
Fax (803) 728-6718

331 E. Main St, Suite 257
Rock Hill, SC 29730

Phone (803) 909-9377
Fax (803) 728-6718