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South Carolina


Test Your Medicaid Eligibility With Our Quiz

Do you qualify for Medicaid?

Take our Medicaid quiz to see if you are eligible for Medicaid benefits in South Carolina.

What is Medicaid? In South Carolina, the average annual cost of long-term care is over $84,000.00. Medicaid is a Federal and State program that helps to cover these costs. The rules for qualifying vary from state to state. If you live in South Carolina and need Medicaid, then South Carolina’s Medicaid state rules apply. You can benefit greatly from Medicaid planning to safeguard your assets.

Do you need a Medicaid plan? For all questions, answer yes/no/unsure.

Medicaid Quiz

    Do you meet the below criteria for Medicaid benefits? (Check all that apply)

    Are over the age of 64 Are pregnant or have a child 18 or under that is pregnant Are blind or disabled Have a child, parent, or spouse in your household who is blind or disabled

    Is your income above the annual household income limit (before taxes)?



    Household Size* Maximum Income Level(per year)
    1 $16,971
    2 $22,930
    3 $28,888
    4 $34,846
    5 $40,805
    6 $46,763
    7 $52,722
    8 $58,680

    *For households with more than eight people, add $5,958 per additional person. Always check with the appropriate managing agency to ensure the most accurate guidelines.

    Do you have long-term care insurance?


    Can you afford nursing home care or other medical costs that average over $7000.00 each month in South Carolina?


    People who own their homes and have money saved for retirement can benefit significantly from Medicaid planning to safeguard your life savings from the cost of care. Do you have more than $ 150,000.00 in equity in your home and or life savings and retirement accounts?


    Do you have important documents prepared like a Living Will, Healthcare Power of Attorney, Will or Trust to protect you, your life savings, your retirement accounts and other important assets?


    If you answered NO or UNSURE to 2 or more questions, you should contact us to discuss how to become eligible for Medicaid while protecting your home and your life savings.

    2010 Gadsden Street
    Columbia, SC 29201

    Phone (803) 799-1700
    Fax (803) 728-6718

    331 E. Main St, Suite 257
    Rock Hill, SC 29730

    Phone (803) 909-9377
    Fax (803) 728-6718